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Previews & Bonus Material

Please check back as we continue to update this site with additional material from the production of the film including previews, bonus material, and unedited interview segments which may not be included in the final film.

Bob Woodfill Describes Medal of Honor Action
Fisher_50 Years of Service
Fisher_Span of
Fisher_Important to remember Aaron
Fisher_92nd Fought with French
Fisher_Worthy of Medal of Honor
Fisher_After WWI and his Legacy
Fisher_A Career Soldier
Fisher_Who is 2nd Lt Aaron Fisher
Gresham_Story of Cpl. James Gresham
Gresham_When News of Gresham's Death Arrived
Gresham_Centennial Monument to Gresham in France
Gresham_First Gold Star Mother
Gresham_First French Monument to Gresham
Gresham_Eleanor Roosevelt and Sgt. York
Gresham_In the Trench on Nov. 3 1917
Gresham_Gresham Exhibits in Evansville
Forrest_Why Important to Remember
Forrest_What Family Knew of His Death
Forrest_Value of Respect
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